Good [fill in the blank] to you.

Spring? I think?

What’s new in your world, folks?

I’m approaching the second half of my second semester teaching and learning at UNC-Greensboro. It’s been a strange and COVID-y semester, but not without bright spots. The impressive Chris Shipman invited equally impressive Jennifer Tamayo (and me) to read at Scuppernong Books in celebration of his new book. Reading new work in-person to a beautiful crowd of beautiful human people felt medicinal. I recommend it, if you’re into that kind of thing.

And I have a poem forthcoming in this cool looking new journal, Litmosphere: Journal of Charlotte Lit. You should preorder a copy, because it will have work by a bunch of great writers. I’m looking forward to reading it!

In the meantime, I’m going to be writing about Elizabeth Bishop and wishing I were by the ocean. See you soon, I hope, maybe in a room full of people reading poems or maybe by the ocean.

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