Poetry/ Literature

Upcoming Readings & Events

5/24/24 6:00 PM. Reading w/ John Amen & Chris Shipman. Scuppernong Books, Greensboro, NC.

Recent Past Readings & Events

  • 10/22/23 2:00 PM. Reading w/ Jason Johnson. Scuppernong Books, Greensboro, NC.
  • 6/12/23 8:30 AM. Conference Presentation: “The Lyric as Eco-Commons: Twenty-first Century Hybrid-Lyric Genres in an Era of Ecological Crises.” Association of Literature and Environment Conference. Portland Convention Center. Portland, OR.
  • 7/22/22 7:00 PM. Reading  & conversation w/ Richard Goodkin. The Book Cellar. Chicago, IL.
  • 3/3/22 7:00PM. Reading w/ Chris Shipman & Jennifer Tamayo. Scuppernong Books. Greensboro, NC. 
  • 12/3/21 1:00 PM. Symposium Presentation: Teaching Marianne Moore. Pedagogical Poetry Symposium. University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • 11/11/21 6:00 PM. Guest Lecture: Ecopoetry & Environmental Problems. Guilford College, Greensboro, NC.
  • 4/16/21 8:30 PM TGI Reading Series w/ Deirdre Fagan, Kali Lightfoot, & Gina Frangello
  • 1/3/21 3:00 PM Poetrio Reading w/ Eric Tran & Lesley Wheeler. Hosted by Malaprops Bookstore & Mildred Barya. Virtual
  • 11/11/20 8:00 PM Missouri State University & Moon City Press Reading. Virtual
  • 12/8/19 1:00 PM. Sundress Reading Series. Hexagon Brewing. Knoxville, TN
  • 10/21/19 6:00 PM.  Cellar Door Reading Series. Cellar 23, Greensboro, NC. 
  • 11/16/19 6:00 PM. So & So Poetry Series. So & So Books, Raleigh, NC
  • 10/11/19 4:00 PM Reading, Fall for the Book Festival. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 
  • 4/13/19 Reading, Scuppernong Books. Greensboro, NC 3:00 PM
  • 6/17/ 18 Reading, In Your Ear Reading Series. DC Arts Center. Washington DC.
  • 3/2/18 The Body Projectcollaborative multimedia event. Greensboro Project Space. Greensboro, NC